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A Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis of the Serpin Superfamily
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 38, Issue 7, July 2021, Pages 2915–2929,
Published: 21 March 2021

Presentations and workshops

CSIRO Synbio Future Science Platform workshop, November 2020.

Mortimer, M., Carmody, M. & Pogson, B.J. Inducible ROS sensors with sub-cellular compartment localisation in plants. Poster presentation delivered at the Australasian Synthetic Biology conference (international), Brisbane, October 2019.

Mortimer, M., Hartley, C., Robbins, P. & Scott, C. Engineering an industrially important enzyme to be selectively reversibly immobilised to enable a green synthesis flow reactor. Presentation at the Australian National University PhB Symposium, Canberra, August 2019.

Undergraduate research

Functional prediction of nucleotide phosphatases using evolutionary systems biology.
Honours project, 2020-2021. Self designed and planned. 10 months full-time. Australian National University
Inducibly expressed genetically encoded ratiometric sub-cellular localised hydrogen peroxide sensors expression system.
Research project, 2019. Self designed and planned. 9 months part-time. Australian National University
Understanding the chaperone compatibility requirements influencing plant Rubisco biogenesis by complementation of Nicotiana tabacum Rubisco with Triticum aestivum Rubisco-associated chaperones in Escherichia coli.
Research project, 2019. 3 months part-time. Australian National University
Engineering a cleavable esterase enzyme for novel protein immobilisation using direct chemical ligation.
Internship, 2018-2019. 4 months full-time. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Experimental strategy for site-directed mutagenesis by transiently expressed CRISPR/Cpf1 to stably transform recombinant GFP-endogenous Z4 fusion protein in Arabidopsis thaliana as a model for Hordeum vulgare.
Literature project, 2018. Self designed and planned. 3 months part-time. Australian National University.
Prokaryotic translation initiation.
Literature project, 2018. 3 months part-time. Australian National University
Serpin protein phylogeny reconstruction.
Research project, 2017-2018. 1 year part-time. Australian National University
(Lead to the publication listed above ‘A Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis of the Serpin Superfamily’)